Hooked on Dependency: the Pitfalls of Teaching a Man to Fish
Most people think that it's better to teach a man to fish, than it is to give a man to fish. I agree, but I think the aphorism doesn't go far enough. Better than teaching a man to fish is to help them build their own fishing industry. This mean that you address the root causes of the problem as opposed to just the symptoms. It means the charity can make itself redundant.

Redundant charities: an independent review by estella carpi
Estella Carpi is an Assistant Professor in Humanitarian Studies at University College London. Here, she shares here thoughts on Redundant Charities, and discovers how much still needs to be done to improve aid and development at the practitioner level.

'Uncharitable' Review – Hits, Misses, and a Call for More Reflection
I had the good fortune of watching the new Dan Palotta documentary, Uncharitable, recently.
While the documentary adeptly challenges prevailing myths surrounding charities, its simplified arguments and one-sided perspective fall short of fostering the deeper introspection needed in the sector.

redundant charities - an independent review by joel bird
Joel Bird wasn’t sure about Redundant Charities when he started reading it. He is an experienced International Development practitioner, Entrepreneur and Strategic advisor, and the founder of InDev - one of the fastest growing media offering in the global development sector. In this guest blog, he explains his concerns.

When is the right time to leave the charity you founded?
If a charity is to make itself redundant, then the foreign founder also has to make themselves redundant. As a foreign founder, when is the right time to leave?